Frequently Asked Questions

How can I help my child with his/her music education?

We highly recommend students participate in their school music program, if one is available. It offers them an opportunity to practice their instrument every day and is very beneficial to their music education. Also, private lessons offer one-on-one instruction and are essential to developing and refining skills and proper technique. If you are interested in obtaining a private instructor for your child, please contact the Directors for references to good teachers in the area.

How do I go about getting information or answers to my questions?

Our website offers many links, from contact information to a calendar of events. We update our website frequently, so if you have any questions please check the website first. If you do not find the answer you can go to the “About nTyme” section and click on the Board of Directors link to contact us. Of course we are always happy to speak with you, do feel free to ask any nTyme representative during rehearsals. We also send emails with information as events near. Make sure you join our email list if you have not already done so. (Please be sure the address is unblocked from your Spam or Bulk email folder.)

How do I join the email list?

Send an email to with the name of your child, the group he/she participates in, and the group names you wish to receive information about (see Ensembles page for names of groups). You do not need to have a student in one of our programs to join our email list, just request to be added to the general announcements.

When are rehearsals or concerts?

Please check the calendar of events on our website or in the Handbook for these dates. You should also receive email updates from us ( If you are not receiving emails, please let us know. Please watch for date changes, they are generally posted on the calendar on our website and communicated by email and announcements at rehearsals.

When are nTyme meetings held?

Committee Board meetings are typically held on the 3rd Monday of each month at the Arlington Elementary School Cafetorium. General Meetings are held once a quarter. Please check the calendar of events on our website or in the Handbook for those dates. Please watch for date changes, they are generally posted on the website and communicated by email and announcements at rehearsals.

What music programs are offered by nTyme?

nTyme provides numerous music programs, from orchestras, band and strings to small specialty groups. Please check our website or the Handbook for a current list of groups. Our season runs concurrently with the standard September-June academic year. Registration occurs in the summer for each new season, but we welcome new students anytime during the year.

Must I register my child?

Yes, every student is required to register. Registration helps us maintain a safe and positive learning environment. It enables us to know our students and their parents, and provides us with necessary information such as emergency contact and medical information should it be necessary. Registration also helps us ensure that only those students who are intended for a specific program are attending and participating in that program.

How do I register my child?

We have three dedicated registration dates, one each in June, August and September. The June and August dates are in conjunction with full orchestra auditions for the upcoming season, and the September date is in conjunction with our annual Garage Sale fundraiser. All dates are held at Arlington Elementary School in Torrance. Please consult the website or Handbook for specific dates, or feel free to contact any nTyme representative. After the season begins, you may register during any of our rehearsals by contacting the nTyme representative in attendance. Registration forms are available on the website.

Are adults eligible to participate in the organization's music programs?

Adults, including nTyme alumni, are eligible to participate in Community Orchestra, Adult ‘Ukulele, and all specialty groups. Participation in Community Orchestra is open to any adult who demonstrates they meet the eligibility requirements provided in the Handbook or as otherwise determined by the Director. Parents who are assigned to assist the Director for a specific class may also participate but only for the purpose of educating the students in their capacity as an assistant to the Director. The Director may also invite certain adults to participate during a performance if there is an instrumentation need that cannot be met by the students.

Does nTyme have instruments tor students to use?

Yes, nTyme has a limited number of instruments available for current students. Use is for the current season and not intended to be long term. These instruments are intended for students that are new to the instrument and not sure whether they will stay with it, for parents who cannot afford an instrument for their student, for parents that have not yet had the opportunity to obtain an instrument for their student, and for parents that simply do not know what to buy for their student. The suggested, but not required, donation is $50 - $100. This donation helps us with the maintenance and repair of the instruments that we lend out. The use period is for one season, from the date the instrument is loaned out through the next succeeding 30 June, or end of season, whichever comes first, after which the instrument must be returned for inventory, maintenance/repair and possible loan to another student.

How do I volunteer?

We are always looking for volunteers. If you would like to get involved, please speak with any Board member or email us at We will gladly find you a place in the organization that will put your special talents and abilities to work for our students. If you would prefer to help with any of our events, we would love to hear from you! Please contact us or check the Volunteer page of the Handbook for more information on how you can help.

I want to donate to nTyme. How do I do that?

There are several ways to donate to nTyme, whether in person, through the mail or online with PayPal. By donating through PayPal, you can use a credit card to make a donation to nTyme quickly, conveniently and safely. Donations can also be given directly to the Treasurer ( or can be mailed to nTyme at P.O. Box 6191 Torrance, CA 90504. Please make checks payable to “nTyme”. You can also donate a specific item. Most donations are tax deductible, so please consult with your tax professional.
Many companies/corporations/foundations also offer matching gift programs, in which they will match your charitable gifts. Inquire with your company’s human resources department to find out if your company has a matching gift program.
Lastly, do you know a company that would love to sponsor music education? Please inquire about a sponsorship or donation letter for your favorite company, whether as a general contribution to nTyme, donation of a specific item or in regards to one of our events. Requests can be emailed to, or please contact the nTyme President at

Thank you very much for your support and believing in the dreams of all of the children participating in these programs!
© North Torrance Youth Musicians Ensemble